Instruct Us
Name DANUM 172
Date 01 June 2024
Year of Build 2024
Casualty type Allision
Vessel Type Container Carrier - VT UCC

* We have received reports that container ship, DANUM 172 (IMO: 9151424) allided with a dredger, PETUNIA, in a position off Port Kelang, Malaysia on 01 June 2024.

* It is reported that DANUM 172 sustained damage and experienced an ingress of water at the bow as a result of the allision.

* The vessel is currently reported to remain at anchor off Port Kelang, presumably for inspection and possibly repairs.

* It is possible that General Average and associated Recovery issues may arise as a result of this casualty.

* We therefore recommend that you contact us if you are concerned with any cargo on board this vessel so that we can immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.
